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All type 1,2,3 and 4 kits we sell include, as a standard feature, a vacuum lock-off device built into the gas regulator. All generators start with the throttle in the wide open position. For enough vacuum to be produced during starting to open the vacuum lock off, the throttle must be manually pulled to the idle position by hand which is very easily done if you are standing at the generator. To help do this, each kit also includes a Governor-Override-Kit accessory to hold the throttle in the idle position, especially for pull start engines, thus overriding the governor and sending a strong vacuum signal right to the lock-off allowing it to open quickly. However, if remote starting is needed, the operator will not be at the unit and the throttle can not be held in the idle position so the engine may not start very quickly (or at all). To eliminate having to be at the unit during starting requires an item called a Remote Start Kit or RSK. The Remote Start Kit is designed to work in conjunction with your existing remote start panel or push button start switch. This accessory uses an electrical 12V shut-off valve and 3 pole vacuum safety switch to operate the fuel supply. When the start button is pushed, or the automatic transfer switch energizes the starter, the same signal is sent to the 12V shut-off gas valve in the RSK opening it immediately and allowing the engine to quickly start. While the engine is running, the 3 pole vacuum switch keeps the voltage flowing to the valve. If the engine stops for any reason, the vacuum switch will then turn off the voltage to the valve thus shutting off the fuel. An example of the electrical hookup for the RSK-HP and RSK-LP is shown below with the regulators. Click on the picture to enlarge. To see the manufacturers wire diagram and technical data in a PDF file of the electrical switch only, click here: 1501L There are two types of RSK available based on the type of conversion kit needed: Type 1 and 2 kits will need a RSK-HP Cost is $58.00 Type 3 and 4 kits will need a RSK-LP Cost is $98.00 (new lower price) Both kits come with a 12V solenoid valve, 3 pole electrical vacuum safety switch and installation instructions. Use the links above to order or visit the accessories page. Note: These accessories only work with your existing 12V starting system.
Now available: WRCS Wireless Remote Start ModuleIncludes key chain remote, receiver module and relays. |
Use this link to CONTACT US by filling out a request form or contact us in the U.S. at 1-800-553-5608 or toll free from Canada to our US office 1-800-486-0077. US Carburetion Kit Center 416 Main Street * Summersville * West Virginia * 26651 Copyright ©1995-2010 US Carburetion, Inc. All rights reserved. |