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How much propane will an engine use instead of gasoline if I convert? Is it hard to do the conversion? Why does the engine last longer? Will the conversion void my warranty? Do I have to purchase anything else? Will the conversion effect the governor setting? My unit has an idle control switch. Will this be effected? Will the conversion make the engine lose power? Will propane make the engine run hotter and burn the valves? Do you sell various engine parts? Do you have the parts that change an engine from pull start to electric start? Do you sell kits for cars, trucks, vans, or other automobiles?
HOW MUCH PROPANE WILL AN ENGINE USE INSTEAD OF GASOLINE?The estimate given by the manufacturer for the gasoline run time can be used for propane also because it is just that; an estimate or guess. Propane only has about 10% less Btu content than gasoline gallon-to-gallon, so the manufactures gasoline estimate will be very close for propane. IS IT HARD TO DO THE CONVERSION? The type of person that can put a bar-b-q grill together or install a ceiling fan should have little problem if they follow the instructions included. This could also be a friend or family member that is a mechanically inclined person with basic hand tools and a power hand drill. The benefit of being involved with the conversion is that YOU will understand the conversion better. WHY DOES THE ENGINE LAST LONGER ON PROPANE AND NATURAL GAS? Propane and natural gas are clean fuels. And when you convert, you can seal up the Dirty Port" that drastically shortens the life of your engine. Click here to learn more "Dirty Port". Will THE CONVERSION VOID MY WARRANTY? Yamaha Motors and Mitsubishi Motors has come to the forefront and stated they will not void the warranty when using our conversion kits. Others have not so strongly endorsed the conversion of their engines. However, after 1000's of kits sold, no customer has ever reported a warranty issue involving one of our kits. We do know of customers that have taken a dedicated converted generator to a dealer for repair while the unit was under warranty for a non-conversion related repair and the dealers have repaired the generator under warranty. DO I HAVE TO PURCHASE ANYTHING ELSE? Our kits are designed as stationary type kits that tie into already existing gas systems as shown in the section "Installations". If that is how you are planning to use your generator then our kit will be complete except for the gas line used for the final hookup. A generator can be used both stationary and portable. If you also want to use the generator portable, a PGK or NPSK will also be required. These are described in detail in the "Installations" section also. WILL THE CONVERSION CHANGE THE GOVERNOR SETTINGS? No. The governor simply looks for engine speed. It is not effected by what fuel is being used it only senses RPM and adjusts the throttle position accordingly. WILL THE IDLE CONTROL STILL FUNCTION? Yes. The switch will still function exactly the same. No change at all. Misinformation Often ReceivedPROPANE WILL MAKE THE ENGINE LOSE POWER! This may be true with other types of kits or adapter type conversions. We have found that our dedicated carburetor conversion kits to propane DO NOT lose power because the propane is delivered into the engine at the exact engineered location that the gasoline was being delivered. Also, all kits include a regulator that is oversized for better performance. PROPANE WILL MAKE THE ENGINE RUN HOTTER AND BURN THE VALVES! This is not true! Propane is actually lower in Btu's than gasoline. When set correctly the engine will run just as cool as gasoline. As with all fuels, proper air/fuel mixture settings are important. Other Miscellaneous QuestionsDO YOU SELL ENGINE PARTS LIKE CARBURETORS AND ENGINE MANUALS? No. we do not sell engine parts. Our only association with generators and engines is that we provide change over kits from gasoline to propane and natural gas. However, these companies may be able to help: Southeast Service and Supply Onan, Wisconsin, Kohler, and other engine parts 1-800-241-4595 Ed Brown : Parts Manager Atlanta, Georgia Grainger They carry many other brands of parts. 1-800-323-0620 DO YOU SELL THE PARTS TO CHANGE AN ENGINE FROM PULL TO ELECTRIC START? No. we do not sell engine parts. Our only association with generators and engines is that we provide change over kits from gasoline to propane and natural gas. However, this company may have what you are looking for: www.northerntool.com
In 1997 the EPA made it mandatory that all vehicles converted from gasoline to alternative fuel use only EPA certified kits. This certification process added thousands of dollars to the price of a kit. The bottom line is that we were economically forced to no longer offer vehicle conversions. If you are still interested in a conversion kit for a fleet vehicle(s), there is one company that has a wonderful system available. Their internet site is www.bi-phase.com.
Use this link to CONTACT US by filling out a request form or contact us in the U.S. at 1-800-553-5608 or toll free from Canada to our US office 1-800-486-0077. US Carburetion Kit Center 416 Main Street * Summersville * West Virginia * 26651 Copyright ©1995-2010 US Carburetion, Inc. All rights reserved. |